20/03/2025 Day 4 NPQH day begins with reflection and discussion. Thank you to our fantastic facilitators Jacquie & David for their insight into what Headship really means. Delighted to welcome colleagues from @AlbanTSH, @TSHBerkshire and @OxonTSH@bestpracticenet@ChallonersHead#npqf2f pic.twitter.com/6KSEWR6AFD
18/03/2025 Final face to face day of our NPQ SL Spring 24 cohort starts with a reflection on leadership learning and practice and an animated discussion with our fantastic facilitators Victoria and Angela@bestpracticenet@IFProfDev@ChallonersGS@ChallonersHead#npqf2f#CPD pic.twitter.com/Jw3viwAUR5
18/03/2025 Time is running out to apply for Spring 25 NPQ - if your school doesn't qualify for scholarship funding, an option could be Leadership Apprenticeship with NPQ. Find out more below. Deadline is 6 April!Read more@ChallonersGS@bestpracticenet@ChallonersHead#npq pic.twitter.com/08yXCQjmAH
17/03/2025 Time is running out to apply for a Spring 25 NPQ - whether you're interested in a specialist or leadership qualification, find out more below. Deadline is 6 April!Read more@bestpracticenet@ChallonersGS#npq pic.twitter.com/dhIWuwEbaZ
17/03/2025 Our NPQ SL groups in Amersham & Aylesbury began with reflections on leadership and practice. Thank you to David Hood, Vanessa Pinkney, Jacquie Coles and Angela Kemp for their insightful facilitation@bestpracticenet@vanessa_pinkney@ChallonersHead@ChallonersGS#npqf2f pic.twitter.com/o3nYoUS7U9
17/03/2025 NPQ SENCO High Wycombe kicks off with a reflective task on leadership learning and practice. Thank you to our fantastic facilitators Gareth and Beverley for their insights@bestpracticenet@ChallonersGS@challonershead#npqf2 pic.twitter.com/kzvdYvkZpY
11/03/2025 Interesting discussions at NPQ SENCO Amersham- identifying areas of need & developing understanding of adaptive teaching strategies. Thank you to our fantastic facilitators Suzanne & Gemma for their insights@bestpracticenet@ChallonersGS@challonershead#npqf2f pic.twitter.com/jL4zbcPT9D
6/03/2025 Lots to discuss and share with ECTs regarding planning and teaching effective lessons today. Thanks to Marie @rickyschool for the session, will definitely be using your revision clock technique to add challenge to practice opportunities! #ecf#teaching@bestpracticenet pic.twitter.com/DUQDmLfpqO
6/03/2025 Day Two of the Bucks Skills Show! Huge thanks to @bpscitt for speaking to students about the qualifications and training needed to become a teacher! #teachertraining@BucksSkillsHub#getintoteaching pic.twitter.com/EJf5RlrcaR